

All my items are handmade by me, they are original, unique, and in perfect "handmade" condition when shipped. They are also packed with great care. If for some reason you are unhappy with your purchase, please contact me so we can come to an agreement that pleases you.

As with all my handmade creation, I never repeat a design so you can be assured that no two are ever exactly alike. I am very proud to make original, handmade, quality, items and I take a great deal of trouble to clearly describe and photograph them. Therefore I do not accept returned items.

PLEASE look at the photos and read the descriptions carefully and feel free to contact me and ask questions about anything that you may be unclear about, no matter how small.

However, should there be a problem with your purchase, please contact me to discuss the problem before leaving any feedback, as I want all my customers to be happy!

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